Not only the world of Minevaria grows over the course of time, but also this website.
These are the changes coming with each update to the homepage.
Version 2.7.2
- gF Framework 1.7.2
- Background image more compact – faster loading time
- Updated links
Version 2.7.1
- gF Framework 1.7.1
- Small changes to the design (mobile menu, changelog)
- Bugfixes
Version 2.7.0
- gF Framework 1.7
- Refactoring
- Big changes to the design
- Design for phones
- All pictures and fonts stored locally instead of being loaded from third-party servers
- Pictures more compact – faster loading time
- Table of contents for long pages, i. a. Server history
- New pages: Ranks & Commands and Survival
- Update and enhancement of old content
Version 2.6.1
- gF Framework 1.6.1
- Security update
Version 2.6.0
Version 2.5.0

- gF Framework 1.5
- Support of multilingual content
- Translation to English
- Enhanced thumbnails
- Design tweaks
- Re-designed page "Team"
- New pages about buildings and enhancement of old content
- Instagram and Tumblr (screenshot blog)
- Enhanced debugging
- Cleaner code
Version 2.4.2
- New city: Norberch
Version 2.4.1
- Captcha repaired
Version 2.4.0

- gF Framework 1.4
- New design
- Compressed graphics – faster loading time
- Neatly arranged overview of places in two columns
- Klenzing as new capital city
- Lots of new content
- Fixed some bugs
Version 2.3.0

- gF Framework 1.3
- Server migration
- Application form
- Social sharing
- Server status re-implemented
- New pages: server history and website changelog
- New building articles
- Update of old articles and new content
Version 2.2.1
- gF Framework 1.2
- Semantic changes of the code
- Small text and link changes
Version 2.2.0

- gF Framework 1.1
- Front page: Heading "The white and blue kingdom"
- New pages: Support us (replacing "Donate") and Others about us
- New building articles
- More detailed privacy policy and legal notice
- Downloading missing fonts if necessary
- Thumbnails in various paragraphs
- Anchor "To the top" in the footer
Version 2.1.1
- Removed server status
Version 2.1.0

- gF Framework 1.0 – separation of content and layout
- Bigger, sans-serif font for better readability
- Inclusion of the new Facebook page
- New front page with two columns and new text
- New page: Rules
- "Selection of buildings" at the end of articles about cities
- Pages about buildings
- Visitor tracking with Piwik
- Privacy policy and imprint in the footer
- "Dan Guru Webdesign" logo and version number in the footer
- Favicon
Version 2.0.x

Version 1.x
- Simple construction kit website
- Front page: introduction, server data, screenshot (later replaced with video)
- Other pages: Dynmap, Places, Paper chase, Participate, Donate, Imprint
- New server IP: